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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Now Is The Time To Be Computer Literate Essay -- essays research paper
This is the ideal opportunity To Be Computer Literate This is the ideal opportunity to become PC educated. This is the ideal opportunity to turn into comfortable and alright with the PC on the grounds that later on we will turn into basically a paperless society and numerous every day exercises will be connected to the PC. Â Â Â Â Â Mail conveyance to the home and business will be as a rule staged out and email will supplant it. Bills will come by means of the PC and paid the same way. Checks will be electronically saved to your ledger. On extraordinary events, for example, birthday celebrations, welcoming cards will be sent from your PC to your friends and family PC. Â â â â â shopping centers will become digital shopping centers and we will do our shopping by means of the PC. You will have the option to see on your screen how you would glance in a certain outfit you are thinking about to purchase. Envision going over the whole shopping center in an agreeable before your PC. Press a catch and the whole load of a store will be readily available. At the point when you do go to a store to shop you won't use cash. You will utilize either a charge card or check card which will consequently deduct the sum on the off chance that you buy from your financial balance. Â â â â â Our homes will be controlled by PCs. PCs will alter the temperature. Home apparatuses will be connected to the PC. Envision driving home from work and calling your PC and having it start supper for you. Have it alter the temperat... Right now is an ideal opportunity To Be Computer Literate Essay - articles research paper Right now is an ideal opportunity To Be Computer Literate Right now is an ideal opportunity to become PC educated. This is the ideal opportunity to turn into comfortable and OK with the PC in light of the fact that later on we will turn into for all intents and purposes a paperless society and numerous day by day exercises will be connected to the PC. Â Â Â Â Â Mail conveyance to the home and business will be as a rule staged out and email will supplant it. Bills will come by means of the PC and paid the same way. Checks will be electronically saved to your financial balance. On uncommon events, for example, birthday celebrations, welcoming cards will be sent from your PC to your friends and family PC. Â â â â â shopping centers will become digital shopping centers and we will do our shopping through the PC. You will have the option to see on your screen how you would glance in a certain outfit you are thinking about to purchase. Envision going over the whole shopping center in an agreeable before your PC. Press a catch and the whole supply of a store will be readily available. At the point when you do go to a store to shop you won't use cash. You will utilize either a Visa or platinum card which will consequently deduct the sum in the event that you buy from your financial balance. Â â â â â Our homes will be controlled by PCs. PCs will alter the temperature. Home apparatuses will be connected to the PC. Envision driving home from work and calling your PC and having it start supper for you. Have it modify the temperat...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research Paper - Flight Nursing in Community Setting
- Flight Nursing in Community Setting - Research Paper Example The substance of our lives lies with how successfully we have our impact in the network; and the total fulfillment of making life excellent can be achieved through the calling of flight nurture. A flight nurture is the one, talented to work in basic consideration settings and profit help to the network in crises. Flight nurture must be very much experienced and expertised in all parts of social insurance. Flight medical attendants, in every case decidedly ready forever sparing exercises makes their quality affirmed in every single basic circumstance, for example, mishaps, tremors and so on. They help in the fundamental concentrated consideration of the genuinely injured or wiped out patients when being moved to a medicinal services office through plane or helicopter. Notwithstanding serving the individuals harmed by debacles, they additionally go to remote zones to help individuals during the carrying to give medicinal services offices. The nearness of flight nurture as a part among the travelers makes the excursion free from any danger for the whole group of the flight (Nursing Jobs and degrees-flight nurture, n.d.). The profession of a flight nurture is exceptionally requesting; and notwithstanding having the mindset of serving the network, a flight nurture must be good to go to work in the profoundly testing circumstances which could be even dangerous.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
How to Manage Impulsive Behaviors With PTSD
How to Manage Impulsive Behaviors With PTSD PTSD Coping Print Managing Impulsive Behaviors With PTSD By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Updated on October 20, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Tom Merton/Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Common Impulsive Behaviors Coping Strategies View All If you have PTSD, you may be at a greater risk to engage in a number of impulsive behaviors, such as deliberate self-harm. Therefore, it can be important to learn healthy ways of managing urges to engage in these behaviors. Overview Impulsive behaviors are those that occur quickly without control, planning, or consideration of the consequences of that behavior. Impulsive behaviors tend to be connected with immediate positive consequences (for example, relief from emotional pain). However, in the long-term, there may be a number of negative consequences, such as greater emotional distress or regret. Common Serious Impulsive Behaviors In considering your behaviors, it may be helpful to think of some of the common serious impulsive behaviors with PTSD. Are any of these ways in which you are currently coping with emotional pain? Eating disordersAlcohol abuse or binging (self-medicating)Drug abuse (prescription or illegal)Self-harmSuicidal thoughtsGambling Common Impulsive Behaviors in PTSD Coping Strategies There are a number of coping strategies available for preventing impulsive behaviors. If you struggle with impulsive behaviors, try one (or all) of the coping strategies below to see if you can get a better handle on problematic behaviors. Distract Yourself Urges to engage in impulsive behaviors may be very strong and hard to cope with. However, these urges generally pass fairly quickly. Therefore, if you can distract yourself when experiencing an urge, you may be able to sit with an urge until it passes. Fortunately, there are a number of healthy distraction strategies that may be helpful in riding out a strong urge or emotional experience. Involve your senses in grounding techniques, basically a form of distraction, until you can replace impulsive behaviors with healthier behaviors. Grounding Techniques for PTSD Replace Your Impulsive Behavior Even though impulsive behaviors may lead to long-term problems, at the moment, they are serving a purpose. For example, they may help you cope with emotional pain. Therefore, one way of preventing impulsive behaviors is finding another, healthier behavior that may serve that same purpose. Healthy behaviors that could replace impulse behaviors include: Seeking out a friendWriting about your emotionsMeet with your therapy group or a friend from your group Try to find a healthy way of relieving emotional pain that will not have long-term negative consequences for you. Identify the Negative Consequences We tend to be driven by the short-term consequences of a behavior. That is, we usually repeat behaviors that work well for us at the moment, regardless of what their long-term negative consequences are. Therefore, it can be useful to increase your awareness of the long-term negative consequences of a behavior. One way to do this is by identifying the short- and long-term pros and cons of a behavior. Change the Consequences of the Behavior People continue to engage in impulsive behaviors because they do something positive at the moment (for example, taking away anxiety or fear). One way to reduce the likelihood of impulsive behavior is to take away its short-term positive effect. As soon as you engage in impulsive behavior, immediately conduct a chain analysis to connect with why you engaged in that behavior in the first place. In a chain analysis, you try to connect all of the links between the behavior and the consequences. Try These Steps Identify the behavior to change.Identify what happened prior to the behavior you wish to change.Evaluate your thoughts and feelings at that time.Identify what your thoughts and feelings made you want to do.Consider the consequences that occurred. This process will put you back in touch with all those emotions that you were trying to get away from in the first place and force you to face and cope with them in another, healthy way. It can also be very helpful to reward yourself when you dont engage in impulsive behavior. A Word From Verywell Impulsive behaviors can be very difficult to cope with, but it is possible. Identify some impulsive behaviors that you would like to change, and next time you notice an urge to engage in those behaviors coming on, try one of the coping strategies above. With every success, it will become easier and easier to find healthy ways of coping with PTSD. Some of these strategies may include: Learning about your diagnosisSeeing a therapist Joining a support groupPracticing deep breathing exercisesEngaging in self-monitoring
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Critical Lens Essay-Jane Eyre and Catcher in the Rye.
Critical Lens Revision-Love is Required for Growth â€Å"Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we are saved by love†This quote from Reinhold Niebuhr tells of a human incapability to accomplish a deed of any sort without the assistance of love. In The Catcher in the Rye; Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. New York: Little Brown and Company, 1991 and Jane Eyre ; Bronte, Charlotte. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, INC. 1847, both young individuals are faced with numerous obstacles in an attempt to mature. Eventually, the characters both come to realizations that they need love in order to grow and mature. In a way, the characters are saved by love. Having both lost their ways, at the depths of†¦show more content†¦Bot characters eventually realize that they do indeed require love in order to grow. Holden had education and freedom but did not reach maturity without the help of his beloved sister Phoebe. Jane gained money and status but this did not please or fulfill her like she hoped it too. She found true fulfillment in the love of a family, and her lover Rochester. These examples would prove the statement to be true, that no thing we as humans attempt can prove successful without the assistance of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wade and Tavris Free Essays
Two of the renowned authors in the field of psychology Carole wade and Carol Tavris have been vocal in delivering psychology books which are famed for their critical thinking ideals. The topic of motivation has been high on their agenda and the two authors borrow heavily from Abraham Maslow who was a humanist psychologist. Most of Abrahams work involved ideals such as â€Å"self actualization and human potential†. We will write a custom essay sample on Wade and Tavris or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of his work revolved around the concept of gaining fulfillment and attempting to get it by rising through various levels of needs. This as Abraham came to describe is the â€Å"hierarchy of needs†which is a pyramid. Abraham described it as one that provided â€Å"motivational strivings†for people to achieve its various stages. Maslow proposed a number of levels that make up the pyramid (Abraham, 1999). The bottom level contains basic needs; the second level contains security needs, with affection and belonging being in the third level. The fourth level contains self respect and self esteem needs while the last and fifth level is the self actualization (Wade and Tavris, 1998). Maslow emphasized the needs to fulfill the basic needs to some certain degrees before the other stages in the pyramid can be attained. Wade and Travis describe motivation as â€Å"an inferred process within a person or animal that causes movement either toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation†. The authors argue that a competent animal will obviously have motives to achieve. Thus people will generally have the tendency of going through the various stages in the hierarchy of needs and thus possess goals and aspirations. The two individuals assert their positions that goals will have the effect of improving motivation but they have to be pegged on certain conditions. The two argue that in order for the goals to improve motivation then some of the characteristics that they have to posses is that they should be specific, challengeable but achievable and framed in such a way that what is being wanted supersedes what is unwanted. Wade and Tavris go further to describe types of goals which are performance and mastery (learning) goals. The two describe performance goals as those that are framed in such a way that an individual has enhanced performance in front of others and thus is judged favorably with little or no criticism being directed in his direction. Masterly (learning goals) on the other hand are framed in such a way that the individual works towards increasing his competence and skills. With these the two authors suggest that an individual’s main motivation will be to perform well in front of others or learning the skill for the satisfaction of it. The two renowned personalities tend to argue that praise may not be a motivation and they show this by giving an example of how a child may loose the pleasure or motivation of learning if the child is being praised for being smart. Motivation is regarded as one of the powerful tools that has the capability of enhancing performance and when the right form of motivation is found then the individual will achieve higher. Self efficacy which is an individuals belief that he they are capable of attaining goals, being efficient and learning new skills is one of the best motivations that an individual can have (Bandura, 1997). However the motivation will only work when the goals that are desired are achievable and thus the expectation that is pegged to the motivation should coincide with the attainability of the goal. How to cite Wade and Tavris, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Project & Organizational Change Management-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.What is Organisational Change? 2.Discuss why it is necessary for Contemporary Organisations to appreciate the scale and scope of the change they are facing.3.Discuss some reasons whysome Change Programs in Organisations fail, or under-achieve, on the intended Goals and then illustrate with a Case example. 4.Discuss further reasons why some Change Programs in Organisations fail, or under-achieve, on the intended goals, and then illustrate with a different case example. Answers: 1.Organizational change It is the process by which an organization undertakes two fold changes, on one hand, it changes the strategies, technologies, methods, rules, laws, and regulations of the companies for bringing in new changes and also the results or effects of these changes in the organization(Reason, 2016). The duration over which these changes take place can be on a continuous basis or on a particular period of time(Hornstein, 2015). There are mainly three distinct changes. Some kinds of organizational changes are Transformational Change The company must constantly check the organizations underlying strategies and must always be in touch with their surrounding environment like integrating digital technologies, social changes, analytics, changing needs and demands of the customers and hence, must take the necessary changes that are needed to respond to the changing market patterns. Personnel change As soon as a company appoints new employees, it has to bear the shock of the on boarding those employees as it takes a lot of time and patience in getting the employees in their respective new roles. If this transition is not managed well, then it can cause havoc to the company. Layoffs often negatively affect some employees and can hurt them morally, this is something that the company must consider and efficiently and fairly divide the work load. 2.Employers also are in search for those employees who can act as successful change agents, as they are people who take care of the organization by facilitating change(Vakola Oreg, 2013). It is important for the contemporary companies to accept change because there is always a high change in the needs and demands of the buyers as per the changing market trends, in order to fulfill these changes the organization also needs to bring diversification in their production so that it does not become stagnant or boring(Volkoff Strong, 2013). It is also very much essential for learning new things day by day and this being able to bring newness in the organization and it is best possible through risk bearing and acceptance of changes. Change within an organization leads to meeting new people, new stakeholders, both internal and externals, and taking up challenges and this risk bearing ability push the company to the level of their ultimate potential. 3.Poor planning often leads to organizational change failure because the employees can often face challenges due to change in roles, governance and decision making, stake holder engagement and strategy, lack of proper communications, timeline, resources and capacity, key initiatives and the proper methods of integrating them for maximum speed and efficiency(Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, Ven, 2013). Inadequate support from leadership If there is a change adopted within an organization, and then there must be full support available from the leader or the top management of the company, it is on the leaders to construct the model for change and implement it within all the employees of the organization. The leaders must be actively supporting the changes and they must always be open to all sorts of communication with the stakeholders so that they can talk about their doubts and get them solved easily without any constraints Lack of resources Change strategies are often unsuccessful due to the lack of resources. Adopting any change measures and implementing them are a long and complicated process. The change strategies have to get implemented, tested, refined and then reinforced. This usually is a long and much expensive process than the leaders actually realize. Like for example, in April 2010, there was oil spill accident of British Petroleum that took place in the Gulf of Mexico killing 11 workers and rendering others injured, this was one of the worst accidents ever recorded(Grabowski, Powers, Roman, Rouhani, 2017). BP took almost a period of three months to completely get rid of this oil flow into the ocean but during this period almost 780 million liters of oil had been spilled into the ocean which caused almost 210000 gallons of harmful hydro chemicals to leak into the ocean on daily basis(Jaggi, et al., Experimental simulation of crude oil-water partitioning behavior of BTEX compounds during a deep submarine oil spill, 2017). This accident not only took away the lives of many but also rendered the environment harmed a great deal. There was the need for taking some extremely crucial strategic measures for dealing with the situation but this project failed because of the extreme remote geographic location, weak risk management, slow re sponse in a crucial situation, lack of planning and undermining the situation. It required apt decision making, proper leadership and a proper planning method for dealing the situation in the right manner and at the right time. Though Bp trained their employees it was not sufficient and was not properly done, they were careless and was not sure about their job roles and responsibilities. There was also loophole in the management and leadership facilities as there was a lack of proper experts at the site who could otherwise have managed the difficult situation. The electronic equipment that was used in the project were also not properly check or tested. these are the various planning and management loopholes that lead to the organizational change failures(Jaggi, et al., Experimental simulation of crude oil-water partitioning behavior of BTEX compounds during a deep submarine oil spill, 2017). 4.Differing agendas If there is poor communication, the staffs will often tend to adopt changes die to self-interest, without properly understanding the need for change, the staffs may decline or feel threated to accept those changes. Insensitivity There are also employees who are not sensitive enough to respond to changes, they feel treated due to the stress that they have to encounter while adopting the changes. Poor processes Even if the change is adopted, there might be a wrong or weak implementation program of the change, if there is a faulty process for implementing the change, and then the natural reaction available from the employees will obviously be to decline and resist the change. Lack of commitment If a company is about to adopt any changes, there must be 100% cooperation and help from the part of the leadership, if that is done, then there can be the expectation that the similar kind of commitment will be available from all the employees as well and the desired change will then be considered as a rule and not as an option. Bibliography Carter, Armenakis, Feild, Mossholder, . (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change, 942-948. Vakola, M., Armenakis, A., Oreg, S. (2013). Reactions to organizational change from an individual differences perspective: A review of empirical research.The psychology of organizational change: Viewing change from the employee's perspective, 95-122. Grabowski, Powers, Roman, Rouhani, . (2017). Potential impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on subtidal oysters in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 163-174. Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 291-298. Jaggi, Snowdon, Stopford, Radovi?, Oldenburg, Larter, . (2017). Experimental simulation of crude oil-water partitioning behavior of BTEX compounds during a deep submarine oil spill. Organic Geochemistry, 1-8. Jaggi, Snowdon, Stopford, Radovi?, Oldenburg, Larter, . (2017). Experimental simulation of crude oil-water partitioning behavior of BTEX compounds during a deep submarine oil spill. Organic Geochemistry, 1-8. Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, Ven, . V. (2013). Process studies of change in organization and management: Unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 1-13. Reason. (2016). USING FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS TO PREDICT FAILURE. High Reliability Organizations. A Healthcare Handbook for Patient Safety Quality, 1-8. Volkoff, Strong, . (2013). Critical Realism and Affordances. Theorizing IT-associated Organizational Change Processes, 1-6.
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